Basement Finishing Solutions to Prevent Water Damage

Clarke Basement Systems’ waterproofing expertise will help you preserve the safety and value of your GTA home and cottage. Our superior basement finishing solutions include the latest products to keep your property free from moisture and mould for years to come. Take the necessary precautions before completing your basement. It’s worth it and you will avoid extra effort, expense and stress.

From waterproof wall and subfloor systems to sump pumps and window wells, we have an extensive range of basement finishing solutions to suit your requirements. When installed by our certified basement professionals, you won’t have to worry about leaks and moisture in your home now or in the future.

Basement Waterproofing Products to Cover Any Property Size or Location

Preventing leaks, dampness and mould growth is linked to the amount of water resistance your basement offers. Our superior basement finishing solutions are well-known for their enhanced waterproofing capabilities. No matter what the size or location of your property we’ll ensure that it’s warm and dry all year round.

  • Specially-engineered Foundation Supportworks and FlexiSpan® Wall Crack Repair System effectively fixes all gaps and breaks.
  • Advanced sump pumps (like SuperSump, TripleSafe or UltraSump)with battery backup provide enhanced water drainage and reliability.
  • Top quality ThermalDry flooring system  offers superior moisture and mould resistance, and is an excellent base for carpet or tile.
  • Latest BrightWall panels system prevents condensation and moisture from destroying your walls.
  • Superior Window WellDuct works round the clock to channel any water to your existing drainage system.
  • New and improved RainChute downspout extension self-flushes leaves and debris; has increased drainage capacity preventing sump pump overload.

Clarke Basement Systems eliminates your risk of water damage. Our proven basement finishing solutions have a 100% Customer Satisfaction guarantee that is backed by the Basement Systems National Network of Waterproofing Specialists.


We provide a free site inspection and estimate, and financing is also available.

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Proudly Serving Greater Toronto including - Mississauga, Markham, Toronto & nearby

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